Source code for osfclient.utils

"""Utility functions

Helpers and other assorted functions.

import os
import six

KNOWN_PROVIDERS = ['osfstorage', 'github', 'figshare', 'googledrive']

[docs]def norm_remote_path(path): """Normalize `path`. All remote paths are absolute. """ path = os.path.normpath(path) if path.startswith(os.path.sep): return path[1:] else: return path
[docs]def split_storage(path, default='osfstorage'): """Extract storage name from file path. If a path begins with a known storage provider the name is removed from the path. Otherwise the `default` storage provider is returned and the path is not modified. """ path = norm_remote_path(path) for provider in KNOWN_PROVIDERS: if path.startswith(provider + '/'): if six.PY3: return path.split('/', maxsplit=1) else: return path.split('/', 1) return (default, path)
[docs]def makedirs(path, mode=511, exist_ok=False): # mode 0777 is 511 in decimal if six.PY3: return os.makedirs(path, mode, exist_ok) else: if os.path.exists(path) and exist_ok: return None else: return os.makedirs(path, mode)
[docs]def file_empty(fp): """Determine if a file is empty or not.""" # for python 2 we need to use a homemade peek() if six.PY2: contents = return not bool(contents) else: return not fp.peek()