Source code for

import os
import six

from .core import OSFCore
from .file import ContainerMixin
from .file import File
from ..utils import norm_remote_path
from ..utils import file_empty

if six.PY2:
    class FileExistsError(OSError):
        Exception raised when a file already exists
        Standard in Python 3

[docs]class Storage(OSFCore, ContainerMixin): _files_key = ('relationships', 'files', 'links', 'related', 'href') def _update_attributes(self, storage): if not storage: return = self._get_attribute(storage, 'id') self.path = self._get_attribute(storage, 'attributes', 'path') = self._get_attribute(storage, 'attributes', 'name') self.node = self._get_attribute(storage, 'attributes', 'node') self.provider = self._get_attribute(storage, 'attributes', 'provider') self._files_url = self._get_attribute(storage, *self._files_key) self._new_folder_url = self._get_attribute(storage, 'links', 'new_folder') self._new_file_url = self._get_attribute(storage, 'links', 'upload') def __str__(self): return '<Storage [{0}]>'.format( @property def files(self): """Iterate over all files in this storage. Recursively lists all files in all subfolders. """ return self._iter_children(self._files_url, 'file', File, self._files_key)
[docs] def create_file(self, path, fp, update=False): """Store a new file at `path` in this storage. The contents of the file descriptor `fp` (opened in 'rb' mode) will be uploaded to `path` which is the full path at which to store the file. To update an existing file set `update=True`. """ if 'b' not in fp.mode: raise ValueError("File has to be opened in binary mode.") # all paths are assumed to be absolute path = norm_remote_path(path) directory, fname = os.path.split(path) directories = directory.split(os.path.sep) # navigate to the right parent object for our file parent = self for directory in directories: # skip empty directory names if directory: parent = parent.create_folder(directory, exist_ok=True) url = parent._new_file_url # peek at the file to check if it is an ampty file which needs special # handling in requests. If we pass a file like object to data that # turns out to be of length zero then no file is created on the OSF if file_empty(fp): response = self._put(url, params={'name': fname}, data=b'') else: response = self._put(url, params={'name': fname}, data=fp) if response.status_code == 409: if not update: raise FileExistsError(path) else: # find the upload URL for the file we are trying to update for file_ in self.files: if norm_remote_path(file_.path) == path: # in the process of attempting to upload the file we # moved through it -> reset read position to beginning # of the file file_.update(fp) break else: raise RuntimeError("Could not create a new file at " "({}) nor update it.".format(path))