Source code for osfclient.models.file

from tqdm import tqdm

from .core import OSFCore
from ..exceptions import FolderExistsException

def copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst, total, length=16*1024):
    """Copy data from file-like object fsrc to file-like object fdst

    This is like shutil.copyfileobj but with a progressbar.
    with tqdm(unit='bytes', total=total, unit_scale=True) as pbar:
        while 1:
            buf =
            if not buf:

[docs]class File(OSFCore): def _update_attributes(self, file): if not file: return = self._get_attribute(file, 'id') self._endpoint = self._get_attribute(file, 'links', 'self') self._download_url = self._get_attribute(file, 'links', 'download') self._upload_url = self._get_attribute(file, 'links', 'upload') self._delete_url = self._get_attribute(file, 'links', 'delete') self.osf_path = self._get_attribute(file, 'attributes', 'path') self.path = self._get_attribute(file, 'attributes', 'materialized_path') = self._get_attribute(file, 'attributes', 'name') self.date_created = self._get_attribute(file, 'attributes', 'date_created') self.date_modified = self._get_attribute(file, 'attributes', 'date_modified') def __str__(self): return '<File [{0}, {1}]>'.format(, self.path)
[docs] def write_to(self, fp): """Write contents of this file to a local file. Pass in a filepointer `fp` that has been opened for writing in binary mode. """ if 'b' not in fp.mode: raise ValueError("File has to be opened in binary mode.") response = self._get(self._download_url, stream=True) if response.status_code == 200: response.raw.decode_content = True copyfileobj(response.raw, fp, int(response.headers['Content-Length'])) else: raise RuntimeError("Response has status " "code {}.".format(response.status_code))
[docs] def remove(self): """Remove this file from the remote storage.""" response = self._delete(self._delete_url) if response.status_code != 204: raise RuntimeError('Could not delete {}.'.format(self.path))
[docs] def update(self, fp): """Update the remote file from a local file. Pass in a filepointer `fp` that has been opened for writing in binary mode. """ if 'b' not in fp.mode: raise ValueError("File has to be opened in binary mode.") url = self._upload_url # peek at the file to check if it is an ampty file which needs special # handling in requests. If we pass a file like object to data that # turns out to be of length zero then no file is created on the OSF if fp.peek(1): response = self._put(url, data=fp) else: response = self._put(url, data=b'') if response.status_code != 200: msg = ('Could not update {} (status ' 'code: {}).'.format(self.path, response.status_code)) raise RuntimeError(msg)
class ContainerMixin: def _iter_children(self, url, kind, klass, recurse=None): """Iterate over all children of `kind` Yield an instance of `klass` when a child is of type `kind`. Uses `recurse` as the path of attributes in the JSON returned from `url` to find more children. """ children = self._follow_next(url) while children: child = children.pop() kind_ = child['attributes']['kind'] if kind_ == kind: yield klass(child, self.session) elif recurse is not None: # recurse into a child and add entries to `children` url = self._get_attribute(child, *recurse) children.extend(self._follow_next(url)) @property def files(self): """Iterate over all files in this folder. Unlike a `Storage` instance this does not recursively find all files. Only lists files in this folder. """ return self._iter_children(self._files_url, 'file', File) @property def folders(self): """Iterate over top-level folders in this folder.""" return self._iter_children(self._files_url, 'folder', Folder) def create_folder(self, name, exist_ok=False): url = self._new_folder_url # Create a new sub-folder response = self._put(url, params={'name': name}) if response.status_code == 409 and not exist_ok: raise FolderExistsException(name) elif response.status_code == 409 and exist_ok: for folder in self.folders: if == name: return folder elif response.status_code == 201: return _WaterButlerFolder(response.json()['data'], self.session) else: raise RuntimeError("Response has status code {} while creating " "folder {}.".format(response.status_code, name)) class Folder(OSFCore, ContainerMixin): def _update_attributes(self, file): if not file: return = self._get_attribute(file, 'id') self._endpoint = self._get_attribute(file, 'links', 'self') self._delete_url = self._get_attribute(file, 'links', 'delete') self._new_folder_url = self._get_attribute(file, 'links', 'new_folder') self._new_file_url = self._get_attribute(file, 'links', 'upload') self._move_url = self._get_attribute(file, 'links', 'move') self._files_key = ('relationships', 'files', 'links', 'related', 'href') self._files_url = self._get_attribute(file, *self._files_key) self.osf_path = self._get_attribute(file, 'attributes', 'path') self.path = self._get_attribute(file, 'attributes', 'materialized_path') = self._get_attribute(file, 'attributes', 'name') self.date_created = self._get_attribute(file, 'attributes', 'date_created') self.date_modified = self._get_attribute(file, 'attributes', 'date_modified') def __str__(self): return '<Folder [{0}, {1}]>'.format(, self.path) class _WaterButlerFolder(OSFCore, ContainerMixin): """A slimmed down `Folder` built from a WaterButler response This representation is enough to navigate the folder structure and create new, rename and delete sub-folders. Users should never see this, always show them a full `Folder`. """ def __str__(self): return '<_WaterButlerFolder [{0}]>'.format( def _update_attributes(self, file): if not file: return = self._get_attribute(file, 'id') self.osf_path = self._get_attribute(file, 'attributes', 'path') self._delete_url = self._get_attribute(file, 'links', 'delete') self._new_folder_url = self._get_attribute(file, 'links', 'new_folder') self._new_file_url = self._get_attribute(file, 'links', 'upload') self._move_url = self._get_attribute(file, 'links', 'move') @property def full_folder(self): base_url = "" folder = self._json(self._get(base_url % self.osf_path), 200) return Folder(folder, self.session)