Source code for osfclient.api

from .models import OSFCore
from .models import Project

[docs]class OSF(OSFCore): """Interact with the Open Science Framework. This is the main point of contact for interactions with the OSF. Use the methods of this class to find projects, login to the OSF, etc. """ def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, token=None): super(OSF, self).__init__({}) if username is not None and password is not None: self.login(username, password)
[docs] def login(self, username, password=None, token=None): """Login user for protected API calls.""" self.session.basic_auth(username, password)
[docs] def project(self, project_id): """Fetch project `project_id`.""" url = self._build_url('nodes', project_id) return Project(self._json(self._get(url), 200), self.session)
@property def username(self): if self.session.auth is not None: return self.session.auth[0] @property def password(self): if self.session.auth is not None: return self.session.auth[1]